If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that continuous learning and performance management are no longer just desirable qualities, but essential prerequisites for nurturing your team’s growth and success.

Achieving success involves encouraging their career progression and development, yielding mutual benefits, and cultivating a thriving work environment.

Fostering a Growth Mindset

With many of us aspiring to climb the career ladder, the main focus shifts from the aspiration of the climb to the method of actually successfully achieving it. This is where the transformative power of visualising growth and development takes centre stage, offering a strategic roadmap to turn aspirations into tangible achievements.

One significant burden that has hindered career development is the rapid pace of technological change and the constant need for manual tasks. Engaging in tasks that are repetitive and routine not only puts a limit on your capacity for strategic thinking but also acts as a roadblock to skills development and the introduction of innovative ideas. Striking a balance between staying updated with the latest technological trends and alleviating individuals from the burden of excessive manual work holds significant importance in creating an environment that is conducive to holistic career growth.

By empowering your people to self-serve training and career planning information with technology such as SAP SuccessFactors Learning, you’ll enable your employees to own their personal and career development aspirations. Research indicates that 63% of workers in the UK agreed that training and acquiring new skills played a crucial role in their personal development as well as their progression into new career paths.

At Jigsaw Cloud, we have worked with many HR clients and discovered that a dynamic environment of ongoing feedback, coaching, and learning will empower individuals to confidently take charge of their development. And, with intelligent recommendations for learning, mentors, and career paths, individuals can readily identify new opportunities and areas to grow.

Do you want to help prepare your people for the future with innovative capabilities to drive skills management, learning and development?

Measuring Success

Measuring success becomes a comprehensive process with technology like SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals. By aligning individual objectives with your organisation’s overarching business goals and core values, your managers ensure a cohesive effort toward shared accomplishments. With over 75% of respondents acknowledging the value of feedback, SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals facilitates ongoing discussions and feedback between managers and employees. This approach fosters structured conversations that enhance alignment and performance improvements. It also quantifies achievements, whilst also nurturing a culture of collaboration and continuous growth, underscoring the true measure of success within a company.

To maximise employee engagement, many companies adopt SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals, Succession & Development, and their Learning modules. These integrated solutions introduce digitalised and connected people management processes for performance & goals management, personal development & succession planning, and learning.

Inclusivity and Diversity

Every individual should have a fair chance to advance, regardless of their background, gender, ethnicity, or any other characteristic. Embracing this approach ensures that talent isn’t overlooked and that everyone’s contributions are valued and rewarded appropriately.

Additionally, providing equal opportunities for career progression contributes to higher employee morale, engagement, and job satisfaction and lower staff attrition. When employees see their efforts are acknowledged and rewarded fairly, they are motivated to invest more in their development and the success of the organisation.

Embracing equal opportunities isn’t solely an ethical endeavour for organisations, it’s a strategic move. The presence of a diverse and inclusive workforce introduces a variety of perspectives and skills, ultimately fostering innovation and informed decision-making. It serves as a magnet for top talent seeking environments where their full potential can genuinely thrive.

At Jigsaw Cloud, we recognise the importance of creating a culture that values every individual and encourages inclusivity. That’s why we partner with SAP SuccessFactors to offer the best technology, plus the expertise and support that HR professionals need to navigate the complexities of creating an inclusive workplace.

Success Stories

Murata Manufacturing Co. is a global leader in the design, manufacture, and supply of advanced electronic materials. They wanted to unify all five of their European companies into one legal entity, and simplify communication and collaboration between its locations. “We were looking to create distinct sales teams for our separate markets, standardise processes across every location, and make every employee more visible to management,” says Peter Welford, HR Manager at Murata Europe.

Murata’s partnership with Jigsaw Cloud has sparked its transformative advantages across its operations. Leveraging the SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals module, Murata streamlines its annual evaluations, cultivating targeted development objectives while aligning them with strategic company plans. This synergy not only empowers managers with enhanced oversight and real-time feedback capabilities but also empowers employees to engage meaningfully in their growth journey.

Additionally, through Jigsaw Cloud’s integration, the SAP SuccessFactors Learning module has become a cornerstone for digital training, allowing Murata to pinpoint skill gaps, tailor training courses, and meticulously monitor progress.

Through collaboration and consultation, Jigsaw Cloud delivers solutions at scale while recommending best practices and aligning with system design principles.

As we step into the new year, the landscape of Human Resources is set for significant transformations. The evolving dynamics of the workplace, advancements in technology, and shifting employee expectations are shaping the HR trends that will dominate 2024. Let us explore the key trends that organisations need to embrace to stay ahead in the ever-changing world of workforce management.

1. Hybrid Work Models Take Centre Stage

The rise of remote work over the past few years has reshaped our understanding of workplace dynamics. In 2024, the hybrid work model will become the norm, allowing employees to seamlessly transition between office and remote work. HR professionals will focus on creating flexible policies that prioritise work-life balance while maintaining productivity and collaboration.

2. AI Integration for Smarter HR Decision-Making

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play an increasingly prominent role in HR functions. From recruitment processes to employee engagement, AI-driven tools will provide valuable insights, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance decision-making. HR professionals will leverage AI to streamline operations and create a more data-driven approach to workforce management.

3. Employee Well-being Takes Centre Stage

The well-being of employees will be a top priority for HR teams. Companies will invest in initiatives that support mental health, physical wellness, and overall work-life balance. Flexible schedules, wellness programs, and mental health resources will become integral components of employee benefit packages.

4. Continuous Learning and Development Opportunities

The rapid pace of technological advancement requires a workforce that is adaptable and continuously learning. HR will focus on creating robust learning and development programs, leveraging e-learning platforms and personalised training modules. Upskilling and reskilling initiatives will empower employees to stay relevant in a fast-changing business environment.

5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Initiatives Expand

Diversity, equity, and inclusion will remain at the forefront of HR strategies. Organisations will commit to fostering diverse and inclusive workplaces, addressing systemic biases, and ensuring equal opportunities for all employees. HR professionals will lead initiatives that promote a culture of belonging and celebrate diversity.

6. Agile Performance Management

Traditional performance management models are making way for agile approaches that prioritise continuous feedback and goal alignment. HR teams will implement performance management systems that encourage regular check-ins, real-time feedback, and agile goal setting to drive employee growth and development.

7. Technology Integration for Employee Engagement

Technology will continue to shape employee engagement strategies. From collaboration tools to employee recognition platforms, HR will leverage technology to foster a sense of connection and community among remote and in-office teams. Chatbots and AI-driven communication tools will enhance the employee experience by providing instant support and information.

In conclusion, the year 2024 brings a host of exciting trends that will redefine the way organisations approach workforce management. Embracing these trends will not only ensure compliance with the evolving business landscape but also position your company as a leader in attracting and retaining top talent. Stay agile, stay innovative, and navigate the future of HR with confidence.

At Jigsaw Cloud, we are committed to helping businesses thrive in the ever-changing HR landscape. Explore our blog for more insights into HR technology and workforce management.

In the world of HR, change is the only constant. The way we manage our workforce is evolving at lightning speed, and at the heart of this transformation lies Artificial Intelligence (AI). Forget about the ordinary; it’s time to explore how AI is not just changing but supercharging HR departments across the globe.

The AI Revolution in HR: Beyond the Basics

Artificial Intelligence has gone beyond the basic applications in HR. While chatbots for answering employee queries and automated CV screening are fantastic, the AI landscape in HR now encompasses a universe of possibilities. Let us dive into some of the mind-blowing ways AI is reshaping workforce management:

1. Talent Acquisition Beyond Imagination

Picture this: AI algorithms that can predict not only the best candidates for your job openings but also when they’re most likely to be open to new opportunities. This isn’t science fiction; it’s AI-driven recruitment. Algorithms analyse historical hiring data, social media activity, and even personal career trajectories to identify the perfect match for your team.

AI-powered recruitment platforms, integrated with SAP SuccessFactors modules like Recruitment, revolutionise how HR professionals find and attract top talent. These platforms use machine learning to analyse vast amounts of data, identifying patterns that might go unnoticed by human recruiters. This means not just faster hiring but also smarter hiring, resulting in a workforce that’s better aligned with your company’s goals.

2. Employee Engagement Redefined

Engaged employees are your company’s most valuable asset. AI tools can now gauge employee sentiment in real time, identifying signs of disengagement long before it becomes a problem. This means targeted interventions, personalised learning plans, and happier, more productive employees.

Imagine an AI-driven SuccessFactors module that not only tracks employee engagement but also offers real-time suggestions to improve it. Such systems can detect patterns in employee behaviour and recommend actions like mentoring, training, or even team-building activities. The result? A workplace where employees feel heard, valued, and motivated to excel.

3. Learning That Adapts to You

AI-driven learning platforms don’t just offer courses; they create personalised learning journeys for each employee. It’s like having a personal tutor who knows your strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations. Employees can upskill and reskill at their own pace, boosting their confidence and your company’s capabilities.

SAP SuccessFactors’ Learning module, powered by AI, customises training plans based on an employee’s current skills, career goals, and even preferred learning style. This not only makes learning more effective but also demonstrates your commitment to employee growth, a key driver of retention and performance.

4. The Future of HR Analytics

Remember those endless spreadsheets filled with HR data? AI has transformed HR analytics into a dynamic, predictive powerhouse. It can forecast employee turnover, identify high-potential candidates, and even suggest strategies for a happier and more productive workforce.

AI-driven HR analytics is not just about reporting past data but predicting future trends. SAP SuccessFactors’ module can, for example, predict which employees are at risk of leaving and recommend retention strategies. With AI, HR professionals are no longer playing catch-up; they’re proactively shaping the future of their organisations.

Real-World Magic: AI at Work

Let’s step out of the theoretical realm for a moment and into the real world. Companies like Unilever have witnessed a 30% reduction in recruitment costs and a 40% increase in employee retention thanks to artificial intelligence powered HR solutions. These aren’t just statistics; they’re the future of HR made possible by AI.

The Road Ahead: AI and the Future of Work

As we move forward, AI in HR will continue to evolve. The integration of AI assistants, such as SAP’s Joule, offers a glimpse into what’s to come. Imagine an AI assistant that not only streamlines HR processes but also anticipates your needs, offering insights and recommendations in real time. The future of work has never looked so exciting!

Conclusion: Embrace the AI Revolution

AI isn’t just changing HR departments; it’s supercharging them. It’s time to embrace the AI revolution in HR and explore the endless possibilities it offers. Whether it’s finding the perfect candidate, keeping your employees engaged, or predicting the future of your workforce, AI is the superhero HR has been waiting for.

At Jigsaw Cloud, we’re your partner on this journey of HR innovation. Let’s explore the future of workforce management together. Are you ready to supercharge your HR department with AI?

Most businesses have recognised that their markets are becoming increasingly diverse – and those diverse workforces improve results. It’s no surprise that increasing diversity has become an important business initiative. However, initially implementing a diverse workforce can be a daunting task, how can you do more to support these important initiatives?

Harnessing the Power of Technology

Technology has transformed the way we work, and it has the power to transform diversity and inclusion efforts in the workplace too. Diversity and inclusivity in the workplace are more important than ever! It’s all about celebrating the unique qualities and perspectives that each individual brings to the table. This isn’t just about checking off boxes, it’s about creating a truly inclusive environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. By embracing diversity, organisations can tap into a wealth of fresh ideas, different viewpoints, and innovative approaches to problem-solving. It’s not just about doing the right thing morally, but also reaping the benefits of increased creativity, collaboration, and overall employee engagement.

To put diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts into high gear, forward-looking HR teams have implemented SAP SuccessFactors Human Experience Management (HXM) Suite. With SAP SuccessFactors, customers have access to a unique analytics solution to help bring inclusivity to your workplace. This purpose-built workforce intelligence application simplifies the process of analysing information across HR and talent processes, relating information to business outcomes, and sharing insights that matter with leaders and managers to influence how they make decisions. It enables companies to easily track employee data in one centralised system.

SAP SuccessFactors has a tool called HXM that eliminates bias across the people life cycle, they implement a policy that ensures diversity and inclusivity. Well-developed workflows built within the SAP SuccessFactors suite, alongside Jigsaw Cloud, ensure that the policies you implement have real world results. This process has successfully worked for larger organisations like the NBA, who implemented SuccessFactors to tailer fit their roles and make it fit for all.

Why Jigsaw Cloud?

While technology is a powerful tool for driving diversity and inclusion efforts, it is important not to forget about the human element. At Jigsaw Cloud, we recognise the importance of creating a culture that values every individual and fosters inclusivity. That’s why we partner with SAP SuccessFactors to offer not just the best technology, but also the expertise and support that HR professionals need to navigate the complexities of creating an inclusive workplace.

We offer training and support to HR professionals on the best practices for driving diversity and inclusion, and we work with you to create a customised plan that fits your organisation’s unique needs and goals. At Jigsaw Cloud, we put people at the centre of our narrative because we understand that it takes both technology and human connection to create a truly inclusive workplace.

Talk to our sales team now, to embark on your HR transformation journey with confidence.

Are you tired of the complexities and inefficiencies of your current payroll solution? Do you find yourself seeking answers to common questions about a new payroll system? Look no further! At Jigsaw Cloud, we understand the challenges faced by companies like yours, and we are here to provide you with the ultimate solution—SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll. In this blog, we will address the 6 most frequently asked questions by customers considering a new payroll solution, and we’ll show you how Jigsaw Cloud can be your ideal partner in streamlining your payroll processes.

Q1. What are the features and benefits of SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll for payroll management?

SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll is a cloud-based software that offers payroll as one of SAP SuccessFactors modules. Here are key features and benefits:

Key Features:

Key Benefits:

Q2. Is SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll suitable for my organisation’s size and needs?

Absolutely! Whether you are a small company or a multinational business, SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll can be customised to fit your unique requirements. As a trusted provider of SAP SuccessFactors solutions, Jigsaw Cloud has helped organisations of all sizes achieve their HR goals.

Q3. How can SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll simplify our payroll processes?

SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll is a comprehensive cloud-based solution that automates and integrates all aspects of payroll management. Research tells us 71% of Payroll processing time is spent running payroll, completing reconciliation, audits, controls, and data entry. By leveraging our software’s advanced features, Jigsaw Cloud ensures accurate and efficient payroll processing, reducing manual errors and saving your team valuable time.

Q4. What benefits does Jigsaw Cloud offer compared to other payroll solutions in the market?

At Jigsaw Cloud, we pride ourselves on being an experienced SAP SuccessFactors partner with a team of highly skilled, SAP SuccessFactors certified, and dedicated consultants. With our deep expertise and passion for HR transformation, we simplify your implementation journey and support you every step of the way. Our focus on passion, integrity, expertise, and simplicity sets us apart from the competition. Data shows 67% of organizations identify technology limitations & data quality as the biggest payroll processing challenge. We aim to reduce that.

Q5. How has Jigsaw Cloud helped HR companies streamline their processes and improve efficiency?

We’ve noticed companies experience significant improvements in their payroll processes within working with us. We have helped organisations automate and streamline their payroll calculations, reduce administrative time through process automation, and provide a high-end employee experience with self-service functionality. Our clients have reported increased efficiency, accuracy, and employee satisfaction by 98.8%.

Q6. What support does Jigsaw Cloud provide during and after the implementation process?

At Jigsaw Cloud, our support extends beyond implementation. Our team of consultants will guide you through planning, costing, configuration, testing, and go-live. We are committed to being your trusted partner throughout your HR transformation journey, providing ongoing consultancy and support whenever you need it.

If you are seeking a new payroll solution, look no further than Jigsaw Cloud. With our expertise, commitment to compliance, and dedication to simplifying your HR processes, we are the ideal partner for your organisation. Contact us today to embark on your HR transformation journey with confidence.

A focus on employee experience will remain crucial for attracting and retaining top talent for your organisation throughout 2023.

Read on to discover best practices to incorporate into your employee satisfaction strategy. 

2022 was another year of record-high resignation figures across almost every industry, and as a result, employee experience is quickly becoming one of the top priorities as we enter 2023.

If managed strategically, positive employee experiences can have huge impacts across your business – such as reducing staff turnover, improving productivity, differentiating your brand to prospective employees, and much more.  Many HR leaders are now focusing on how they can retain their top performers and attract new talent into their organisations in what continues to be a war for talent.

What is employee experience?

It’s how your employees feel about their jobs, their physical work environment, and the culture within your company, as well as their relationships with colleagues, management, and executives. And each one of these elements is crucial to helping your employees remain engaged, satisfied, and committed to staying with your company. 

But despite the value of positive employee experiences, many organisations still aren’t hitting the mark. In fact, Gartner reports that 87% of employees aren’t fully satisfied with their experience today.

To reduce this dissatisfaction, HR leaders need to refocus their efforts on employee experience by accurately measuring the state of their experiences today and designing strategies that truly consider the needs of their employees.

We’ve gathered some best practices to help you design your employee experience strategy for 2023. These cover steps to creating positive experiences at every step of the employee journey, from the moment they join to their everyday working lives.

An employees’ experience starts from the moment they find your company

Employee experience doesn’t begin on their first day – it starts as soon as they see an advert for their role. Research from HR Grapevine’s Employee Experience Playbook shows that 78% of candidates believe the recruitment experience is a good indicator of what a company’s employee experience will be like. Also, 60% of candidates talk about their application experience to others. This means it’s an essential first step to get right – otherwise, you might be jeopardising your ability to attract top talent.

A good place to start is by looking at your application process. According to the research from the playbook, top performers are more likely to begin applications on their mobile phones, so your website and forms need to be mobile-friendly and also up to date with the latest company info. And consider that a job advert should be ‘selling’ the role and the company to the candidates, not a list of duties, or worse, a job description.

Apply for a role at your company so you can actually experience each step of the early parts of the process – is it a positive one?

You’ll also need to give a realistic overview of the job once you get to interview stage, to help manage potential employees’ expectations and allow them to see if they’ll be a good fit for the role. If you can get each of the steps in the recruitment process right from the beginning, it’s more likely you’ll find committed, well-suited employees for your company. 

Dedicated recruitment and talent management solutions can also help with tasks such as signing contracts, completing essential paperwork, and getting new employees connected with your workplace before they’ve even walked through the door. If these administration responsibilities are dealt with upfront, your new recruits will be able to focus on their roles as soon as they start. The slicker and more streamlined the process, the more positive experience they will have.

Gain insights by continuously listening 

Employee experience isn’t just something to consider for new or potential employees. Continuously listening to your current employees, especially at times of change, can help you gain the insights you need to improve their experience and create a culture of high engagement and productivity.

Research suggests that formal, wide-scale surveys are a great approach to take for understanding your employees’ needs. Annual surveys were once the norm but with the ever-evolving world of work, quarterly ones will give a more comprehensive and real-time snapshot. Delivering employee surveys around important events or big changes in the company can also help you gather insights throughout the year, and help your employees feel their opinions are valued. This might include events such as onboarding, quarterly reviews, employee exits, or changes to your working models.

Surveys are particularly important to understanding how your employees are feeling on a broader scale about their roles and your company culture. To ensure you obtain the most valuable information, and the respondents see this as a positive task, you’ll need to consider what questions you’ll ask, how you’ll manage the data you collect, how you’ll action the feedback and most importantly, timely communication of the outcomes and actions. This is again to allow employees to see taking part as a positive experience as the business is showing they have listened and taken action. 

With the right employee management tools, you can also track and manage the data from these surveys and compare it with fluctuations in productivity and output across the year – and even correlate the results to the actions you take to see if you’re on the right path.

With employee happiness comes success 

The employee experience also extends outside the office, with their health, finances, family, and social life all impacting their overall wellbeing and experience at work. 

There’s a fine line as an organisation between where your influence and responsibilities lie. You can’t seek to support every part of your employees’ lives, but all these factors can have a significant effect on their productivity and engagement during their working day so it’s important to acknowledge the importance they hold.

A good place to focus a respect for their non-work time. If your organisation can make all HR related administration tasks easy, simple, and quick to action, this can prevent them from spending additional time outside of their working day on time consuming but necessary tasks.

For example, introducing an employee portal that’s connected to your central HR system can give your employees a convenient and easy way to book annual leave, report sickness and absences, file requests, update their personal information and communicate with your HR team whenever they need to.

You can also help employees to feel satisfied in their roles by offering a clear sense of direction and progression. This can be achieved with regular catch-ups with line managers, or with a dedicated performance and learning management tool that helps employees track their progress towards goals, rewards, and promotions.

Ready to kickstart your employee experience strategy for 2023?

If you’d like to discuss your employee experience strategy, we have consultants with decades of HR experience across a wide range of sectors – please get in touch to see how we can help. 

On December 1 2022 SAP sold Litmos LMS to Francisco Partners, a private equity company based in California.

Litmos was originally acquired by SAP as part of their acquisition of Callidus back in April 2010. Callidus was purchased for its CRM capabilities with the intention of integrating with Hybris, SAP’s cloud-based e-commerce platform solution for B2B and B2C enterprises. This allowed SAP to offer a stronger proposition in the overall £46 billion CRM market. Callidus had previously acquired Litmos in 2011, specifically for the purpose of generic sales training.

The inclusion of Litmos within SAP’s acquisition of Callidus caused some conflict of interest as SAP already had a market leading LMS within their product suite. This was a challenge in particular for the SAP SuccessFactors product strategy as the Litmos LMS didn’t fill any gap or meet a specific market need. It was regarded as a simple learning platform with a fantastic user interface that required little effort to set up. Unfortunately, it did have some weaknesses, if you can call them that, which Jigsaw found to be its restrictive functionality and limited features.

However, it was the perfect tool to deliver discrete learning content to a discrete learning audience, a point solution as a learning platform. Where it wasn’t so strong was in its ability to fulfil the role of a corporate learning infrastructure platform.

In 2021 Jigsaw Cloud was assigned and invited by SAP SuccessFactors to work with Litmos as a value-added reseller and service partner. The Litmos services available for customers to access via partners like Jigsaw was very restrictive as the product is quite simple with a strong ‘do it yourself’ sales proposition. The opportunity for us was only limited to customers who had no inclination or motivation to do it themselves, a bit like paying someone to assemble your IKEA furniture.

Our CEO, Paul Rae, comments: “What surprised me was that Litmos was more expensive than the SAP learning and only out classed it on aesthetics and rapid deployment.”

Paul goes on to explain, “I was also taken aback by the number of times customers of SAP Litmos reached out, asking if the system could fulfil incremental business requirements and on almost every occasion, the answer was always no.

It became apparent that Litmos was never going to be in a position to be anything other than an expensive luxury points learning platform for four point learning content. This does not compete with the overall value proposition of SAP Success Factors, which is a tier one, globally, enhanced functionally rich end to end, HXM infrastructure for corporations.

As a partner, we found Litmos to have great people and culture and their customers were very interesting, but ultimately, it was not an enhancement to SAP SuccessFactors.”

As a result of the Litmos sale by SAP, Jigsaw Cloud will no longer be offering Litmos LMS support or implementation to new customers as part of our suite of services.

Jigsaw Cloud appoints Jane Corbett as Chief Customer and Operations Officer and Executive Board Director.

Our CEO, Founder & Owner, Paul Rae, says, “This is a great day for Jigsaw and for Jane and I am delighted that she will be assuming this vital leadership role and joining our board. Jane has written the book on the delivery of quality SuccessFactors implementation projects and under her leadership, Jigsaw won the SAP partner ‘blue ribbon’ award for Cloud Service Delivery in 2021 and in 2022 – an unprecedented achievement.

Jane has overseen more than 150 SuccessFactors implementations and has developed Jigsaw’s world-renowned packaged solution, ‘SmartStart’, which has been phenomenally successful as well as Jigsaw ‘Best Practice’ implementation methodology. Both these programs have resulted in the efficient delivery of SuccessFactors allowing for much greater competitiveness and time-to-value.

In September 2020 Jane assumed the leadership of Jigsaw Support Services and quickly set to work to improve the quality, efficiency and depth of the delivery proposition which has seen significantly improved customer satisfaction, retention, and returns.

Paul Rae also says, “This is a well-deserved promotion and appointment and I firmly believe that Jane has transformed Jigsaw into one of the best service delivery partners in the SAP eco-system. I am proud of her achievements and have no doubt that the best is yet to come.”

If you would like to understand more about Jigsaw’s world leading SuccessFactors implementation services or SuccessFactors support, then please contact Paul Rae on 020 3432 3351.

This is the second of a two-part review of the HR Trends, Challenges & Priorities for 2023.

In a nutshell, our team of HR specialists and consultants at Jigsaw Cloud have identified that:

In part 1 we looked at four emerging trends of the eight identified: Talent Scarcity, Remote & Hybrid Working, Effective Leadership & Management as well as Managing Change Fatigue. This article explores the other four HR Trends for 2023.

Employee Experience

In the Gartner Top Priorities report, Employee Experience was cited by 47% of global respondents as a top priority for 2023. The ongoing war for talent means that positively engaging with employees and offering a great experience at every touchpoint, must become the norm, not just a token gesture.

A study by Workhuman found that employee retention (47%) culture management (34%) and employee management (31%) were also a high priority concern to HR leaders. Many issues within these broader concerns can be managed by facilitating an open culture in the organisation, a critical component of offering a positive and inclusive employee experience.

Creating a positive company culture is a key area that employers can use to further distinguish themselves, especially if they have made a long-term choice to embrace the remote working model.

According to Indeed’s Work Wellbeing 2022 Insights Report, 90% of respondents believe that how they feel at work matters, yet only 49% of people report their company is measuring happiness and wellbeing. So, it comes as no surprise that after pay & benefits, stress, lack of satisfaction, and happiness are the leading reasons people look for new opportunities. This means that measuring and understanding employee wellbeing is becoming vital to both attracting and retaining talent.

Indeed’s 2022 research indicates that expectations around wellbeing at work are increasing following the pandemic with:

Glassdoor research shows similar trends, stating that in the US, the UK, Germany, and France, workers who are more satisfied with their current jobs are less likely to begin an application for a new job elsewhere. Alongside employee experience, enhanced benefits can also help to mitigate staff attrition, and this is the focus for our next trend.

Enhanced Benefits Can Give Employers a Competitive Edge

Compensation remains the top priority for many in the current cost of living crisis. And for job seekers, higher pay was the most often selected reason that many start to search for a new job. This is being reflected across wage levels, where there has been substantial nominal wage gains over the last 12 months as employers try to attract and recruit the talent they need.

What’s the answer if offering higher salaries is not an option though?

Lower paying roles and sectors where remote working is not an option will have to get creative with what they offer if they want to attract, recruit, and retain new staff.

Holistic benefits have become a more critical part of compensation packages, which give employers ways to differentiate their organisations and make job offers more appealing, especially in occupations at the lower end of the wage scale that typically require in-person attendance, like childcare or food preparation and service. On Indeed’s US job platform three major benefit categories have climbed exponentially across the entire market, these are healthcare, retirement plans, and paid time off. For example, from August 2019 to August 2022, paid time off as a benefit rose from 21.3% to 38.8% in low-wage sectors like personal care and home health.

Those already employed are seeing their portfolio of benefits increasing. Previously onsite workers in tech companies could expect stocked kitchens and free lunch as standard but post pandemic reviews on Glassdoor show that free lunches are on the rise in sectors such as manufacturing and transportation/logistics.

Similarly, access to commuter benefits grew in many of the industries that do not have a remote work option, including free parking, public transportation reimbursement, and even money for fuel. However, perhaps the most critical benefit growing across all industries is that of mental health care, this trend has increased throughout 2022.

Offering a benefits package to suit the needs of today’s workforce is one step towards attracting new employees but with so much competition for talent, one aspect that often gets overlooked is recruitment and onboarding, which is our next trend to explore.

Making Recruitment and Onboarding a Great Experience

The reality of low supply and low retention doesn’t change the fact that bad hires can result in a fall in team morale and a drop in productivity. This is reflected in Gartner’s Top Priorities report which sees 46% of HR leaders prioritising Recruitment with 36% stating their sourcing strategies are now insufficient for finding the skills they need in the current candidate driven market.

Recruitment and onboarding are steeped in opportunities to offer a positive experience to both attract and retain the most suitable people, and this specific element is aligned to the ‘employee experience’ trend we have already covered.

HR technology is long past just attractive landing pages and reliance solely on third party job boards and company reputation to ensure you can hire the best available talent. By having a dedicated HR cloud system in place to collate data and identify talent, then attract, recruit, and ultimately retain these individuals is only going to become more relevant in years to come.

A considered and consistent end-to-end automated system is becoming a crucial aspect for a business if they wish to remain competitive when it comes to recruiting, onboarding, and retaining staff. Considering the entire candidate journey as a means of recruiting for any vacancy, let alone those that are tagged as ‘hard to fill’ is a trend that will grow exponentially over the coming months. Having the tech to keep candidates ‘warm’ right from the beginning of the hiring process until long after onboarding is going to give those organisations who embrace it a huge competitive edge.

Research from Glassdoor states that 89% of job seekers use their mobile for job searching while 68% Millennials, 54% of Gen Xers and 48% of Baby Boomers use social media as their primary means of job searching. Having a system to support this preferred mobile application method gives more power to HR to be able to adapt to meet talent requirements, sourcing options and changes in the market. One of the emerging talent requirements is the importance of any potential new employer to clearly support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), so this is the last trend we explore.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is Front of Mind for Job Seekers

According to the results of a September 2022 survey from Indeed & Glassdoor, benefits such as employee resource groups, diversity training, and mentoring programs surged in 2020 and 2021 in the USA, Canada, and the UK as social justice and equity issues came to the fore. Here are just some of the findings:

For employers, a lack of clearly defined DEI initiatives could have a negative impact on their hiring and staff retention because the workforce of tomorrow will care even more deeply about these than the stats above show. Instead, organisations need to use these programs to continue to differentiate themselves in the candidate driven market we are going to be in for the foreseeable future.

None of the trends Jigsaw Cloud have identified in this or Part 1 of this report are going to be a flash in the pan. There is a fundamental shift in the workplace and those that shift with it and embrace those trends will thrive rather than just survive throughout 2023 and beyond.

If you’ve not read part one of this two-part series on HR Trends for 2023, we looked at: Talent Scarcity, Remote & Hybrid Working, Effective Leadership & Management as well as Managing Change Fatigue.

Jigsaw Cloud are a team of HR specialists and consultants who work alongside customers across most sectors both within the UK and internationally. This expertise and access to a wide variety of SME and larger multi-nationals gives us indepth knowledge of the HR landscape.

It’s the season to be gathering and reviewing data to make more informed decisions in preparation for the start of a new year. 

Having reviewed all the latest HR research, Jigsaw Cloud finds that the perennial challenges within HR are still, well, perennial. We’ve identified 8 key HR trends for 2023 and beyond.

This is the first of a two-part feature and covers four of the eight key HR trends we have identified for 2023.

Talent Scarcity

Many believe that as the fallout from the global pandemic recedes so will the war for talent but there are many elements that dictate that this is not the case.

Demographic trends show many countries, including the USA, the UK, France, and Germany, will continue to experience a worker shortage due to their aging populations, according to the Indeed & Glassdoor’s Hiring and Workplace Trends Report 2023. In addition, this report identifies that supply dynamics will continue to create a persistent and wide gap between employer demand and candidate availability. These include the absence of sustained immigration, an increase in labour productivity, and a lack of focus on attracting non workers of all ages to join or return to the workforce.

Even as many economies slow or fall into recession and employer hiring decreases, there will be a shortage of candidates to fill long-term demand far beyond 2023. This means workers will continue to have the leverage to request higher pay, increased benefits, scheduling flexibility, and a variety of other elements which could be relevant to their role, industry, or specific employer.

However, according to the Indeed & Glassdoor report, there are 3 clear areas emerging to offset the shortage of candidates:

  1. Attracting workers from abroad is an effective way to promote hiring when talent and skills are in short supply. Several countries are reviewing immigration policies to allow certain worker categories to gain right-to-work status more easily.
  2. Many employers are also tapping into groups of workers often passed over, such as those with criminal records, as well as doing more to accommodate workers with disabilities by adopting more flexible work policies. Offering flexibility in areas such as work scheduling will also attract and retain an older work force and more women as well, who could not previously re-join the workforce due to childcare responsibilities.
  3. Investing in artificial intelligence and other technologies to negate the need for humans to carry out certain types of work may be controversial but data shows that they can boost productivity and can actually help to fill gaps in workforce supply.

But none of these are overnight solutions so in the meantime the continued talent scarcity has a knock-on effect for the workplace as a whole. Recruitment will become more challenging, the importance of managing the candidate journey and then ongoing employee expectations will come to the forefront along with the need to update skills to manage hybrid and remote workers. So, most of the trends we focus on are as a direct result of talent scarcity.

Remote & Hybrid Working

Once seen as an occasional perk or frowned upon because ‘workers can only be productive at work’, remote working became essential for organisations to continue to function during the pandemic. Online meetings are an enduring image of working life during this time but because of this forced ‘work from home’, many employers discovered that remote work was actually a great business model for their business and their people.

A result of the ability to be more flexible with work was that many took the leap to change profession, company, or industry, resulting in what many coined the ‘The Great Resignation’. However, it could be argued that it wasn’t resignation, instead people felt motivated by the wider cultural acceptance of their change in priorities and what they wanted from work. More than avoiding early starts, long commutes, and donning office appropriate attire, mainstream remote working finally allowed people to re-evaluate their lifestyle and, for some, find that elusive work-life balance.

Intuition, a leading global knowledge solutions company, collated data on the growth in popularity of remote working and found that 62% of employees now expect their employers will allow them to work remotely moving forward.
While the necessity to work from home has ended, the ability and option to work from anywhere is now thriving. The number of job postings on Indeed that advertise remote work are well above where they were prior to the pandemic and searches for remote work roles remain extremely popular with job seekers too.

Talent scarcity and workers’ preferences will ensure that remote and hybrid work will become the norm for some jobs and across some industries. But it’s not all about employees as employers also benefit as offering remote work opens the door to more talent pools for whom commuting or working within an office environment may not be feasible.

However, only about a third of occupations are suitable for remote work; Food can’t be prepped, deliveries can’t be made, surgeries cannot be performed, retailers cannot open their doors for business and construction workers can’t build. Which means organisations that cannot offer remote working are seeing their talent pools diminish as workers choose to gravitate toward work that lets them ‘work from home’. One response to this has been to offer signing bonuses to compete with those organisations who are able to accommodate remote working occupations.

The long-term impact of embracing a remote or hybrid working model are yet to become clear, or fully felt but there are a couple of immediate positives as it:

If managed with the correct framework and technologies, flexible, remote working as a long-term model is a win-win in aligning the health of an organisation’s bottom line while respecting the work-life balance of employees. By supporting the work and life needs of individuals, it could mean a much higher retention rate at a time of increasing staff attrition and scarcity of many skills.

However, there are some caveats. Bill Schaninger, a partner at McKinsey, warned in a recent McKinsey podcast that total isolation of employees may lead to burnout, saying “We’re thirsty for interaction with others. We’re not meant to be isolated.” But he also warned that businesses should consider returning to in-person work as “A dimmer switch, not an on/off switch.

Effective Leadership & Management

There is an emerging skills gap in many organisations between the more traditional leadership and management models and the new ways of working that many have chosen to embrace long term in our post pandemic world. The challenge is to ensure leaders and managers can carry out their roles effectively, no matter where their teams are located or how they deliver their work requirements.

Treating entire teams with a one-size fits all approach is no longer going to engage employees or encourage them not to explore other opportunities should they feel they are not receiving the support, leadership, and encouragement they need to be their most productive.

Authenticity, empathy and adaptivity, three leadership traits that were once listed as ‘nice-to-have’ qualities, are now emerging as must haves from an employee perspective, according to Gartner’s research on the Top Priorities for HR Leaders in 2023. This research has identified that leader and manager effectiveness is a top priority for 60% of respondents. It also states that the environmental shifts of socio and political turbulence, work-life balance and flexible work will redefine the leader/manager and employee dynamic into a much more individual ‘high touchpoint’ experience and human to human relationship.

This brings us onto our next trend.

Managing Change Fatigue

With rapidly rising inflation and interest rates, political instability at home and abroad, the war in Ukraine and still cautious steps into life after the pandemic, certainty is not a luxury many can afford. According to Gartner’s Top 5 Priorities report, 53% of HR leaders see organisational design and change management as one of those five, while 45% say their employees are suffering from change and uncertainty fatigue since the onset of Covid.

Back in 2016, 74% of employees were willing to change their working habits to support organisational change, but by 2022 this dropped to around 38%, according to Gartner. So prioritising change management to best navigate through continued disruption and uncertainty is key as high employee change fatigue and increased work friction correlate with high staff attrition.

Dynamic organisational change can be the crux of what makes a business able to evolve with market changes, so it’s clear that these Gartner stats are a potential cause for concern when the workforce has had enough of constant change. Again, the trend for a more human to human approach comes to the fore; one that is less prescriptive and instead focuses on a more collaborative style where employees are fully consulted and involved in any change process.

The next few years will test the boundaries and measures that businesses put in place to meet challenges and implement change to adapt to them. Planning and a well-equipped arsenal of HR tools and cloud-based systems could make uncertainty less of a vague prospect and instead a clear opportunity for success, management development, business growth and, in turn, keep staff turnover to a minimum, reducing costs and increasing employee engagement.

That’s the first four of the eight HR trends we’ve identified for 2023.

Jigsaw Cloud are a team of HR specialists and consultants who work alongside customers across most sectors both within the UK and internationally. This expertise and access to a wide variety of SME and larger multi-nationals gives us the ability to identify trends as they emerge.

The remaining 4 trends will be shared very shortly where we look in more detail at employee engagement and experience, enhanced benefits, the candidate journey to becoming an employee and the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in today’s jobs market.