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How to choose an HR software for SMEs in 2022

In the early days of human resources (HR), only large businesses could afford the necessary tools and software. But times have changed. HR software is now available for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) at a fraction of the cost.

So, how do you choose the right HR software for your SME? In this blog post, we will discuss some important factors to consider when making your decision.

HR Software: An Overview

Human resources software is a tool that helps businesses manage employee data, track employee performance, and manage payroll and benefits.

It can also help with onboarding new employees and compliance with employment laws.

Most HR software is offered as a cloud-based subscription, which means you pay a monthly or yearly fee to access the software. Some HR software providers also offer on-premise versions of their software, which means you would need to install the software on your own servers.

On-premise HR software can be more expensive than cloud-based software, but it may offer more features and customisation options.

Factors to Consider When Choosing HR Management Software

There are a lot of different software options for you to choose from, and that might become overwhelming,

When choosing HR software for your SME, there are a few important factors to keep in mind. Let’s take a look!

The Size of Your Company

The number of employees you have will impact the features you need and the price you pay for your HR software.

For example, if you have a small team of fewer than 25 employees, you may not need all the bells and whistles that come with more comprehensive HR software packages.

On the other hand, if you have a large workforce, you will need an HR solution that can handle a high volume of data and employee records.

Your Budget

As with any business purchase, you need to consider your budget when choosing HR software.

Be sure to compare the costs of different software packages and get quotes from multiple vendors before making a decision.

The Features You Need

When considering which HR software to buy, make a list of the features you need.

Some common features to look for include:

  • Employee self-service
  • Performance tracking
  • Onboarding
  • Payroll and benefits management

Once you understand the features you need, you can start narrowing down your options.

Your Industry

The industry you are in may also dictate the type of HR software you need.

For example, if you are in a highly regulated industry such as healthcare or finance, you will need an HR solution that can help you meet compliance requirements.

On the other hand, if you are in a more creative industry, you may want an HR solution that offers more flexibility and customisation.

Common Issues in HR Management

Once you have a good understanding of the factors to consider when choosing HR software for your SME, it’s important to understand some of the common issues you may face in HR management.

Some common issues include:

  • Employee retention
  • Attracting top talent
  • Compliance with employment laws
  • Employee engagement

Addressing these issues is essential to keeping your employees happy and your business running smoothly.

The right HR software can help you address these issues and keep your employees engaged and productive.

Common Issues in HR Management Software

Once you have a good understanding of the different types of HR software available and the factors to consider when making your decision, it’s time to take a look at some common issues in HR software.

These include:

  • Data security
  • Compliance with employment laws
  • Lack of integration with other business systems
  • User-friendliness

Data security is a major concern for businesses of all sizes.

When choosing HR software, be sure to select a solution that offers robust security features such as data encryption and user authentication.

Compliance with employment laws is another common issue in HR software.

Be sure to choose an HR solution that can help you meet compliance requirements for your industry.

Lack of integration with other business systems is another issue you may face when using HR software. Choose an HR solution that offers seamless integration with your existing business systems and find an integration partner who can help.

User-friendliness is also an important factor to consider when choosing HR software. If your team cannot navigate the system properly, it will not be effective.

Make sure to choose an HR solution that is user-friendly and offers a good user experience.

Main Features of HR Technology for SMEs

Now that you have a good understanding of the different types of HR software available and the factors to consider when making your decision, it’s time to take a look at some of the main features of HR software.

These include:

  • Employee self-service
  • Performance tracking
  • Onboarding
  • Payroll and benefits management

Employee self-service is a feature that allows employees to access and update their own records.

This can be a useful tool for reducing the workload of HR staff.

Performance tracking is a feature that allows you to track the performance of individual employees. This can be useful for identifying areas where employees need improvement and for setting goals.

Onboarding is a feature that helps new employees get acclimated to your company. This can be useful for making sure new employees are productive and engaged from the start.

Payroll and benefits management is a feature that allows you to manage payroll and benefits for your employees. This can be useful for ensuring that your employees are paid on time and that they have the correct benefits.

Costs of HR Software

When choosing HR software for your business, it’s important to consider the cost.

HR software can range in price from a few hundred pounds to several thousand pounds per year, depending on the features and solutions you need.

However, now that HR software and technology have become more accessible, many SMEs can benefit from the same features and solutions at a fraction of the cost.

To get the most bang for your buck, compare the features and costs of different HR software solutions before making your decision.

The bottom line is that HR software can be a valuable tool for SMEs. By understanding the different types of HR software available and the factors to consider when deciding, you can choose the right HR solution for your business.

When it comes to HR software, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. The key is to find an HR solution that meets the specific needs of your business. With so many options available, you’re sure to find an HR solution that perfectly fits your SME.

SAP SuccessFactors: The Benefits

If you’re looking for an HCM software solution that’s specifically designed for SMEs, SAP SuccessFactors is a great option.

SAP SuccessFactors offers a comprehensive HCM software solution that includes all of the features and solutions you need to manage your HR effectively.

In addition, SAP SuccessFactors is an affordable HCM software solution that won’t break the bank.

Let’s take a look at the benefits that SAP offers.

Simple User Experience

One of the best things about SAP SuccessFactors is its simple user experience. The software is easy to use and navigate, so your team will be able to use it effectively from the start.

Seamless Integration

Another great thing about SAP SuccessFactors is that it offers seamless integration with other business systems. This means that you won’t have to waste time and money on duplicate data entry or manual processes.

Flexible Deployment

SAP SuccessFactors is a flexible HCM software solution that can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud. This means that you can choose the best deployment option for your business.

Wide Range Capabilities

SAP SuccessFactors offers a wide range of HCM capabilities, including employee self-service, performance tracking, onboarding, payroll, and benefits management.

No matter what your HCM needs are, SAP SuccessFactors has you covered.

Automated Compliance

SAP SuccessFactors offers automated compliance with regulations and standards. This means that you can be confident that your HR processes are compliant with the latest laws and regulations.

Insight and Intelligence

SAP SuccessFactors offers a variety of HCM analytics and reporting tools. As a result, you can gain valuable insights into your HR data to help you make better decisions about your HR strategy.

Constant Innovation

SAP SuccessFactors is constantly innovating and adding new features to its HCM software. This implies that you can trust that you’re employing the most up-to-date HR software.

Customer Support

When you choose SAP SuccessFactors, you can be confident that you’re working with a company that offers excellent customer support.

If you ever have any questions or problems, you can contact the Jigsaw Cloud SAP SuccessFactors customer support team for help.

Skill Development

In addition to customer support, SAP SuccessFactors also offers a variety of HCM training and development resources.

SAP can help you identify opportunities for training and development so that you can build a well-rounded HCM team.

Inclusive Technology

SAP SuccessFactors is an HCM software solution that’s designed to be inclusive. The software includes features and tools that are accessible to all users, regardless of ability or skill level.


Finally, SAP SuccessFactors is a flexible HCM software solution. The software can be customised to meet the specific needs of your business.

In addition, SAP SuccessFactors offers a variety of HCM services that can be tailored to your specific needs.

How Jigsaw Cloud Can Help

If you’re looking for an HCM software solution for your SME, Jigsaw Cloud can help.

Jigsaw Cloud is a leading provider of HCM software solutions. We offer a variety of HCM software solutions that are specifically designed for SMEs. We are the award-winning Gold partner of SAP and can deliver solutions to bring your business to the next level.

As the leading partner of SAP, we offer the latest HCM software solutions designed to meet your business’s specific needs.

In addition, we offer a wide range of HCM services that can be tailored to your specific needs.

Jigsaw Cloud Case Studies

If you are unsure about the decisions that lay ahead of you, look at our case studies, Murata, and ByBox.

As a result, they have improved their HCM process and achieved better business outcomes.

Another one of our clients, Paysafe, has used Jigsaw Cloud to streamline their HCM process and improve employee engagement. As a result, they have seen increased productivity and decreased turnover.

HR Software for SMEs: Start Today

HR Software for SMEs doesn’t have to be complicated, expensive, or time-consuming. Jigsaw Cloud can help you find the right HCM software solution for your business and also offers a pre-packaged SAP SuccessFactors implementation designed just for SMEs, Smart Start.

If you’re ready to take your HCM to the next level, contact Jigsaw Cloud today.

We offer a free HCM software consultation so that you can learn more about our HCM software solutions and how they can benefit your business.Schedule your free HCM software assessment today!

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