• Case Study

Supporting Paysafe’s Growth Journey

With a mission to be “the point of every payment”, Paysafe Group PLC is an entrepreneurial company with strong growth ambitions.

The Challenge

Rapid growth at Paysafe was driving the need to formalise how the business worked – particularly in the human resources function

The firm’s HR practices lacked consistency between territories; and its HR processes and data were being managed manually in Excel. The resulting inefficiencies and potential for errors were creating several challenges:

  • an inconsistent and unsatisfactory employee experience
  • a lack of control over HR budgets
  • a lack of insight to inform strategic HR decisions

Paysafe needed to manage its people in a more structured way – without stifling them with bureaucracy.

“Our success meant that the company needed to grow up, but without losing our entrepreneurial edge.“We needed a platform to manage our people seamlessly across 20 locations around the world, and to integrate new hires and acquired businesses quickly and easily.”

Nick Walker, Global HR Director, Paysafe

The Solution

In 2011, Paysafe called on Jigsaw Cloud to help. They were impressed by our track record of delivering HR capabilities with SuccessFactors, and felt they’d found a kindred spirit in Jigsaw Cloud.

“Like Paysafe, Jigsaw Cloud is a young, entrepreneurial company. The team understands our culture and mindset,” says Nick. “And as many of them have worked in HR, they instinctively get the needs of the HR function.”

Nick Walker, Global HR Director, Paysafe

The Benefits

Find out all about the benefits Paysafe is experiencing by watching our short customer video:


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